All Editions are signed and numbered by the Artist.
You will also receive a Certificate of Authenticity
Honour the Brave – One of the last aircraft to come aboard following the day’s combat actions was the (photo-bird) RF-8G Crusader. Unarmed, apart from cameras and film, the eyes of the fleet pilots roamed far and wide throughout Vietnam to bring back vital post-strike photographs and reconnaissance information. The USS Coral Sea represented one of twenty-one attack and anti-submarine carriers deployed to the Golf of Tonkin. Their crews displayed courage, duty, sacrifice and service.
Size Calculator
70cm x 50cm = 27.5” x 19.5”
66cm x 40cm = 26” x 15.5”
48.3cm x 39.2cm = 19” x 15.5”
46cm x 34cm = 18.5” x 13”
38cm x 30.5cm = 15” x 12”