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Phantom Patrol – Passing between the Shetlands and the Faroe Islands, a soviet Tupolev Tu-142 long-range surveillance aircraft is intercepted by two FG1 Phantoms out of Leuchars, Scotland. Loaded with a full missile fit and long-range tanks, the Phantoms escort the ‘Russian Bear’ aircraft away from the UK air defence region, which covers around four million square miles. All incoming aircraft that have not filed a flight plan must be investigated. QRA (Quick Reaction Alert) aircrews are ready day or night, in all weather conditions, and always find their target. This scene would have been a regular sight for QRA Phantom aircrew investigating Soviet aircraft.
Size Calculator
70cm x 50cm = 27.5” x 19.5”
66cm x 40cm = 26” x 15.5”
48.3cm x 39.2cm = 19” x 15.5”
46cm x 34cm = 18.5” x 13”
38cm x 30.5cm = 15” x 12”