All Editions are signed and numbered by the Artist.
You will also receive a Certificate of Authenticity.
Individual Biographies of each signatory included.
Artist Remarque Edition and Artist Studio Collection signed by;
Grp. Capt. Billy Drake DSO DFC* DFC (US)
Height of the Battle – Wg. Cdr. Tom Neil about to join in the combat with German bombers over London. At the height of the Battle of Britain, the RAF stood alone facing an enemy determined in their goal of total victory. Little did they understand the mentality of the defenders’ strength of conviction, courage and shear ‘bloody mindedness’ to protect the homeland. British and Commonwealth pilots together with others from far off lands joined the RAF in battle and after much sacrifice won the air war for all freedom loving people.
Size Calculator
70cm x 50cm = 27.5” x 19.5”
66cm x 40cm = 26” x 15.5”
48.3cm x 39.2cm = 19” x 15.5”
46cm x 34cm = 18.5” x 13”
38cm x 30.5cm = 15” x 12”